

The Chinese admiral who spread Islam across Southeast Asia

Written By: Chow Chung-yan
21/08/2016 21:36

by Chow Chung-yan 20 August, 2016 Near my childhood home in Kunming (昆明), Yunnan (雲南) province, is a park dedicated to its most famous son: Admiral Zheng He. Our teacher would take us to pay tribute to the great eunuch of the Ming dynasty, recounting his legendary seven....    Full story...

33354 views 0 comments

Islam from Day 1

Written By: SSSS
10/07/2016 15:10 10/07/2016 5:04

Islam is not a new religion. It is in existence from Day 1 and all the messengers were Muslims and propagated about One Almighty God. Prophet Muhammad(SAW) is not the final messenger but He completed the religion of Islam and the Holy Quran is the final and the last book which combines and....    Full story...

21249 views 0 comments

Four men thrown off American Airlines flight because they 'looked too Muslim

Written By: The Independent UK
24/01/2016 0:27

Group believe they were ejected from the flight 'based upon their perceived race, colour, ethnicity' Written by : Eleanor Ross, Tuesday 19 January 2016 The men were flying American from New York to Toronto Patrick Smith/Getty Images Four men were thrown off a....    Full story...

22464 views 0 comments

Rembering Zakaria Islam of East London

Written By: Ajmal-Masroor
15/09/2015 15:15

Life hangs between uncertainty and hope but death hangs between certainty and certainty. I have just returned from an emotional rollercoaster ride. My dear friend has just passed away. May God have mercy on his soul, grant him the highest station for his soul's rest and prepare for him....    Full story...

37386 views 0 comments

No Conflict with Islam or Atheism

Written By: saymarefat
03/03/2015 11:54 03/03/2015 6:08
Women rights

Whenever any woman of this area tries to say something loudly people name her athiest or ultra modern or hypocrite. I will write about women rights I will say some untold stories but please dont mention me by above titles. I know what my religion is and how it respects woman. In Islam women are....    Full story...

23463 views 2 comments


Written By: Ahmedullah
02/03/2015 11:21
Social Issues

I am posting an article I wrote for friends in the late 1980s which later formed part of a presentation I made at the Jagonari Centre in East London in 1994 entitled 'An Analysis of the Bengali Muslim Predicament' THE IDEA OF ISLAM AS A SYNCRETIC RELIGION IN BENGAL:  OPPOSING....    Full story...

28017 views 2 comments

Opposition under lock and key: Awami Version of ‘Democracy’!!!

Written By: VorerPakhi
05/01/2015 18:44 05/01/2015 18:36

Bangladesh is probably the biggest wonder of the world! Do you know why? It’s because of her bizarre system of ‘Democracy’!! Does it sound weird? Ok dudes, just let me explain.   Awami League, as a party and as a part of the government, claims itself to be an advocate....    Full story...

24804 views 0 comments

Polarised Conflicts,Ideas of Bengali Culture and fallacy of Bengali Nationalism in Bangladesh

Written By: Ahmedullah
08/12/2014 23:17 08/12/2014 23:13
Religion & Culture

The causes of polarised politics Many people are baffled by the intense levels of hatred that exists between different factions in Bangladesh and fail to understand the possible underlying reasons behind the current conflict. Complex factors are no doubt at play, including attachments to....    Full story...

31977 views 0 comments

The present situation of E-commerce site in Bangladesh and

Written By: Tamanna_Islam
07/12/2014 5:26

 Internet has been opened up a new significant site for trade and commerce which is known as Electronic commerce and popularly known as E-commerce. Actually E-commerce is a type of industry where the buying Internet and selling of products or services is conducted over electronic systems....    Full story...

33282 views 1 comments

Just Click and Buy or Online Shopping

Written By: Tamanna_Islam
10/12/2014 8:15 06/12/2014 16:15

Internet  has been opened up a new significant site  for trade and commerce which  is Electronic commerce popularly known as e-commerce or online shoping. Electronic or Online  Shopping is a recent phenomenon in the field of E-Business and is definitely going to be the future....    Full story...

24642 views 0 comments

Why I like to shop at

Written By: Tamanna_Islam
10/12/2014 8:20 06/12/2014 14:56

Internet  has been opened up a new significant site  for trade and commerce which  is Electronic commerce popularly known as e-commerce. The internationally   most popular e-commerce  activities  on the Web is e-shopping or Online shopping. Day by day ....    Full story...

29151 views 0 comments

Mobile App-Islamic Path

Written By: Modi
01/12/2014 8:03
Science and Technology

Telecommunication companies come up with different offers and exciting apps to engage their customers and now a days it is very much competitive. If we have a look at the site of our major telecom service providers we can find a variety range of products along with their numerous offers which are....    Full story...

22437 views 0 comments

The essential meaning and transcendental message of Islam

Written By: Ajmal-Masroor
05/11/2014 1:12
Religion & Culture

I am sitting in front of the mighty Atlantic Ocean. The wind is fierce and waves are incessant. As far as my eyes can see it’s only the dark blue water of the ocean and light blue sky. It appears to the eye that in the distance these two mighty forces, the floor and ceiling of the earth....    Full story...

25785 views 0 comments

An analytic Overview of Mir Quasem Ali's Controversial Case

Written By: MoududMolla
02/11/2014 16:39
BD War crime trial

Mir Quasem Ali (‘MIR QUASEM ALI’) is the Chief Executive of the Diganta Media Corporation Limited, the company which owns the Daily Naya Diganta newspaper and thee TV station Diganta TV (‘DTV’). The International Crimes Tribunal No.1, Dhaka on 17th June 2012 ordered....    Full story...

27909 views 1 comments

How biased and politicized is the court of Bangladesh?

Written By: MoududMolla
02/11/2014 16:25
BD War crime trial

The sole purpose of the special tribunal, supposedly set up to deal with “Crimes against Humanity” during 1971 war, is to persecute the top Jamaat-e-Islami leadership. That is why the Awami League government was not particularly interested in maintaining any standards in setting....    Full story...

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