Hopes of youth generations’ in Bangladesh
The youth generation of 21th century’s has become an eloquence docile group indeed. They have been more diverged in focus on aphorism in the true reality which phenomenon is obvious in our present circumstances. They do not get frightened to doff the dissent conditions. The dissection power of youths are obviously take part of any disquisition. They have been more articulate and dissent in some cases which may not pursue the rules and regulation. In this time they are just like a disinter to bring out the disingenuous activities. These indigenous guys are in fact thoughtful about country’s and indigent peoples wellbeing . But what are doing the big heads of this country? They are floating the inhabitants of this country in day dreams only Whoever this party is, Ruling or opposite. They are just the a side and opposite side of a coin only. No dissimilarity among their activities. But at present the youths since 1985 to present are thinking about their country’s betterment. They are no more languid anymore. They do not depend on largess of the Govt. only. They are trying to develop from individual aspects which is only one way to keep uphold Bangladesh. But will it be possible in the end? They become languish when see the unfairness and lobbying facilities in any sectors. These assets want to grab the latitude but obstacles in everywhere. Many high figured have taken those unlawful activities as a mores. This muggy situation just keep snoozing the new source manpower. Now what can we do? No way rather than be muted. Want to rise up your rebellious voice against them? No one has ever succeeded in pale way. Hey you, all are thinking about your own pecuniary development not for the penurious people. If someone want to show of yours face in general then s(he) has to say goodbye this world by a brutal killing. That is the not a lose of own individual family or one’s. That is the penance of probity. Ultimately the country is losing the prosperity of its’ own. It is matter of prodigy that no attempt yet been taken for them who raised their voice against quelling unfamiliarity of rights.
Do not ever think this quietude is the sign of failures. It is not so far rebate you( Govt./ Anti Govt.) Think about Bangladesh not your individual fund at Swiss bank . Cast of your veil now otherwise slither is coming soon. Only hope and falsehood can not keep at the forefront of our motherland. Individual development Govt./Anti Govt. polishes can bring suavity. We want to see the prosperous Bangladesh like India and China.
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About farjan
Live like a king. I am the king of my own kingdom. That is enough for me to carry on my life.