Make Hay When Sun Shines
Thoughts and Ideology
Before the arrival of this year’s November 1, Bangladeshi people remembered it for political reason. Tally has now contained another stick of “Nationwide Electricity Debacle”. Whatever the cause was, people had to suffer a lot by that unwanted and oblivious transpiration. That suffering was mounting, when sundown happened.
I returned home through a dark road. Except some building, whose had a personal electricity backup (i.e., I.P.S., Substation or Generator), rest of them were sunk into dark. Even pedestrians were minimal. People were panicked totally. They had no even a wildest idea what on earth was happening. Suddenly, I heard an argument from a nearby grocery shop, where, a juvenile purchaser bargained with trader. He alleged that, the usual price of a candle that he chose was BDT 5, but, the fellow seller demanded BDT 30.
I stopped for a while and went beside him. He showed helpless. He told me that his semester final exam was approaching and his younger sister will appear for upcoming J.S.C examination. His family owned an IPS, but unfortunately, its battery went down. So, he badly needed at least three candles. More customers arrived in the meantime, and, showed same allegation of price hiked. The vendor, however, remained unruffled. His concept was crystal clear. He had a queue of customers for candle. So, how could he be a fool on not to make more profit by using that increasing demand? No, he was not. He told them to all, that, if you need candle, you have to acquire by this price. People, being dumbstruck, had to purchase candles. I left that place and moved forward. Eventually, I found an interesting thing. A shop hanged a handwritten signboard, showed prices of candles. There were two options; BDT 30 and BDT 50. Interestingly, I approached to that shop and asked the concerned to show me candles. Well, after seeing candles, I asked the reason of hiking, albeit I knew it before. He told me that he had to procure candles with superfluous amount, so, he bound to sell it more than usual face value. Subsequently, I remembered economic term of “Push Strategy” and how it worked during crisis situation.
When a crisis arrives, people tend to make more profit by using others’ stranded situation. We always see that, people have to acquire their essential commodities by giving de trop outlay. Almost every one of us possess “Make hay when Sun shines” concept. We can’t blame shoppers only; rather we should blame ourselves by possessing exploitative mentality to others.
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About Aboneel
Academics, Columnist and HR trainer.