

Sukharanjan Bali, the BBC and Bangladesh’s media

Written By: DavidBergman
22/05/2013 1:51
BD War crime trial

  When New Age decided to go ahead and publish its story based on a statement given by Sukharanjan Bali in which he confirmed his abduction from outside the gates of the international crimes tribunal, the paper knew that there would be many within the government and the media - at least....    Full story...

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Sayedi’s defence witness found in a jail in Calcutta!

Written By: Ajmal-Masroor
17/05/2013 1:36
BD War crime trial

Delwar Hossain Sayedi was recently sentence to death by the Bangladesh’s infamous international crimes tribunal for alleged war crimes. The government accused Sayedi aka Dilu Shikdar of several crimes during the war of independence in 1971. He was sentence to death on a specific charge of....    Full story...

22914 views 1 comments

Government’s malicious intention exposed: State abducted Saydee Witness

Written By: Nazmul
15/05/2013 23:21 15/05/2013 22:41
BD War crime trial

Shukhoronjon Bali was a witness for the prosecution against Maulana Delwar Hossain Saydee in so called International Crime Tribunal(ICT), Bangladesh. Prosecution relied his 19(2) statement to implicate Mr. Sayedee with killing of his brother Bishabali. But Mr. Bali wanted to be a defence witness....    Full story...

36108 views 3 comments

Saydee: An inspirational Man

Written By: Milad
30/04/2013 21:19
BD War crime trial

My body is shivering, hands are shaking, I can’t control my tears and emotions for him and I do not know how much I can write about him. A man who has got death penalty from Bangladeshi war crime tribunal. According to tribunal he has done some crime against humanity including murder, rape....    Full story...

20628 views 0 comments

International Crimes Tribunal of Bangladesh in the Light of History

Written By: Nazmul
28/04/2013 0:04 27/04/2013 23:49
BD War crime trial

by Dr. Abdullah Al-Ahsan   Bangladesh has recently captured headlines in international media outlets thanks to its International War Crime Tribunal (ICT)....    Full story...

29268 views 0 comments

Evidence prove Kamaruzzman cases invalid

Written By: Nazmul
23/04/2013 1:33 22/04/2013 22:48
BD War crime trial

Assistant secretary general of Bangladesh Jamat-e-Islami Mohammad Kamaruzzaman was accused at the International Crimes Tribunal-2 for committing crimes against humanity such as genocide, torture during the liberation war of Bangladesh in 1971. He was detained on 13th July 2010 but “shown....    Full story...

63144 views 0 comments

Summary of Kamaruzzaman case:analysis found him innocent

Written By: Nazmul
22/04/2013 22:49 19/04/2013 14:47
BD War crime trial

Muhammad Kamaruzzaman was detained on 13th July 2010. He was “shown arrested” on 22nd of July 2010 in a case filed by Shahbag Police Station for “obstructing police while they were discharging duties”. After enduring almost 2 years in prison without any charge,....    Full story...

119277 views 2 comments

International Crimes Tribunal and Human Rights Violation in Bangladesh

Written By: Invisible
10/04/2013 13:38 10/04/2013 13:17
BD War crime trial

As the intention of forming International Crimes Tribunal in Bangladesh is highly questioned by many internationally recognized associations here we present another short documentary with few evidences out of many. Please watch the video and put comments there as well as share this with....    Full story...

30843 views 0 comments

Torture cell in Bangladesh High Commission in Kuala Lampur

Written By: Invisible
08/04/2013 12:29 08/04/2013 5:16
BD War crime trial

After a protest against the controversial verdict of Saydee few awami thugs kidnapped two of the protesters and took inside the Bangladesh high commission building in Kuala Lampur then brutally tortured them...Please watch the video   If I am wrong in embading the youtube's video....    Full story...

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