Thank You!!
Human rights
It was a typical summer Dhaka afternoon and I was stuck in a typical Dhaka traffic jam. Cooped up in a bus packed way beyond its capacity, the heat, boredom and a growing thirst was getting to me, so I decided to look at billboard along the road to kill time. As I was looking, I suddenly came across this new billboard by Robi which put forward a very simple message. Do we ever say thanks to our office help when they bring us a glass of water or after they do things that we ask them to do? I realized the answer was ‘no’, we almost never do it. We assume that the office is paying them and it’s their duty. What we fail to realize is how amazing it feels when someone thanks you, appreciates you. Amidst all our work, we often fail to acknowledge these poor souls who dedicate their entire day to make our job a little more bearable. The billboard had a simple message but a powerful one, and it really made me start to rethink my ways.
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About Pothik
আমি ভীষন মাত্রায় পাগল । আমার কাছে এক অর্থে জীবন মানে যুদ্ধ । আমার প্রাপ্তি আমি বাংলায় কথা বলতে পারি । আমার স্বাধীন ভূখন্ডে আমি মরতে পারবো । আমার কাছে ধর্ম হলো মানবতা আর রাজনৈতিক মতাদর্শ মানে আমি মানবতা দল এর সমর্থক । আমি খুবই সরল তবে এক অর্থে সরল মানুষরাই সবচেয়ে দুর্বোধ্য ।